Help for residents of Akmola region: new housing for flood victims

Help for residents of Akmola region: new housing for flood victims

AÑSA Foundation is implementing a large-scale project to build and purchase housing for those affected by the spring floods of 2024 in Atbasar, Akmola region. Thanks to the foundation, 128 families in Akmola region have already purchased their apartments. And by the end of the year, 245 more families will receive new apartments. For these purposes, the foundation allocated 5 billion tenge.

The main goal of the project is to create conditions for the rapid social adaptation of affected families, providing them with high-quality and safe housing.

The AÑSA Foundation promptly responded to the emergency situation in the country, allocating 20 billion tenge to support flood victims in North Kazakhstan and Akmola regions. Financial assistance was directed not only at the construction of new houses and apartments, but also at the purchase of finished housing on the secondary market. 

What stage of development is the project at?

In Atbasar, two buildings with 100 apartments were built in a short time for families whose houses were damaged in the spring of 2024 as a result of floods. At the moment, interior work is underway in the apartments, which includes flooring, connecting utilities, etc. Already in September, new apartments will be distributed. Also, not long ago, the construction of another building with 45 apartments began. 

Buying housing on the secondary market

The money of the AÑSA Foundation was spent not only on the construction of new houses, but also on the purchase of secondary housing for those Atbasar residents who could not wait for the start of construction.